By Stephen Aldy Guiris
Directed by Jeff Bennett
For tickets:
On March 4, 2017, SUPER Excited to attend the T.V. Pilot Screening and After Party of "Blue Iron" with the Cast and Crew! Directed by Chris Bear Adams & Executive Produced by Frank Mancuso. Produced by Hank Meleski Jr., Mike Daley, Tina Davido, and James Smith.
Each ticket grants an all inclusive admittance to the "BLUE IRON" TV Pilot Screeening and After Party event at the Mansion on the Main. All Guests will experience the Red Carpet treatment, a 4 hour open bar with beer, wine and Blue Iron's Signature well drink, 4 hour spread of choice delectables handcrafted bt the Chef, LIVE performances by 2 of the Official Bands of BLUE IRON, after party with DJ & Dancing, Cast Meet and Greet and of course the Exclusive Screening of "BLUE IRON".
Proceeding the TV Pilot screening we will have a brief test market review. Please be advised all Guests must be 21 or older with valid state issued ID to attend this event, no exceptions. Guests are encouraged to take photo/video footage of the night's events, EXCEPT during the actual screening itself. In an effort to preserve the contents of our TV Pilot, we must ask anyone to leave the event if they can not respect our request and such a situation would forfeit any rights to a refund of any kind.
For further information, Press Registration Forms or to Inquire about Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact Tina no later than February 28, 2017 at or 267-278-3567.
On November 14th 2016, Danielle made her Off- Broadway debut as Lucia in, " My Big Gay Italian Midlife Crisis" at the Theatre Center In New York New York.
Then was asked back for another performance on January 14th 2017.
July 23, 2016: After working with the cast of Zombie Wedding on April 2nd, The director invited her back to perform with "Tony and Tina's Wedding" on Saturday, July 23rd at the Suffolk Theatre in Riverhead New York as Aunt Rose.
Tickets available at
July 11th & 12th, 2016: Danielle is one of ten people accepted into the South Hampton Theatre Confrence Acting Master Class with Bethany Caputo and Alec Baldwin.
The two day intensive will be pertaining to Michael Chekov Technique concentraiting on scene work and character development.
Danielle is grateful and honored for experienced this opportunity!
June 4, 2016: Will be performing for a private party with Now That's Funny Entertainment in "A Hilbilly Wedding" in Riverhead N.Y.
May 25, 2016: Danielle will be working with Knock'em Dead Comedy in Oceanside N.Y. in "The Family, the Fun, the Felony."
April 2016: Danielle plays Jennifer in 11pm Drop Off; A dramatic thriller about a drug run gone wrong. Jennifer rushes Mason back to the house after he is shot during a drug run by an unknown assailent. Their boss Eli, is not happy with it. Tonight is the night he has to meet with his boss, Santiago, to drop off half a million dollaras in cash and drugs. Add in a stranger at the door and detectives looking for information on the shooting makes Eli smell a rat in his circle.
Written and Shot by Leo Film Productions.
April 16, 2016: Danielle will be swigning in for the Off Broadway Show,
Murdered by the Mob.
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